I am not a cop

I am not a cop; though I serve them. I am not a cop; though I have been known to ride in police cars. I am not a cop; but I love them. I don’t think like them, act like them, or talk like them. They’re different. They see and experience things that the human mind can’t even begin to process properly. But they continue on; the good ones anyway! If they ever back up it is because their commanding officer has instructed them to. And usually, they’re not happy about it. Are some of them arrogant? Yep. But so are some preachers, doctors, factory workers, students, retirees, parents and children. Are some of them power hungry? Yep, see previous list! And some of them are good sons, daughters, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, coaches, Sunday school teachers, ministers, care givers, and friends. They are the most scrutinized group of people in the United States of America. They fight with or without recognition; the good ones anyway. When they make a mistake, it is ...