Decision Time

What have you decided today? What did you wear to work, school, play, shopping… you made a decision unless you’re a child (or husband). I have on my usual jeans and plaid shirt. Tennis shoes today, no boots. What did you eat for breakfast? I had watermelon and cashews. I wanted a dozen donuts but my usual jeans felt a little snug so I opted for the fruit and nuts. What road did you take? I took the fastest route along with what seemed like a thousand other souls. What did you listen to on the way to wherever you went? My choice today was 98.7FM. I actually was going to connect my phone to my radio and choose my favorite worship songs but was lazy instead. There you have it. 4 decisions that I made today that most of you have faced. 4 decisions that we understand to be a decision that we deliberately make or we get stuck. I choose what clothes to wear because Tammy says I have to wear clothes. People may get uncomfortable at church if I were to show up without clothes so I chose some...