Fairy tales and princesses

I was in my 20’s when I had to have ACL reconstruction surgery on my left knee. I remember the doctor appointment after the MRI where Dr Thomas put a picture on the bed next to me and pointed and said, “That is where your ACL is supposed to be”. His words, “it has ruptured and we need to build you a new one”. I was expecting that but the next part of the conversation I wasn’t exactly prepared for. In my mind, we schedule surgery, get this knee fixed, go through rehab, and one day begin playing sports again. But he said I needed to go to rehab before the surgery. What? Before? Why? He explained that I was about to have a scheduled trauma to my left leg and it would cause muscle loss, pain, etc… He then went on to say that I needed to build up the muscles in my leg to help the recovery and some other things we can talk about later. Whatever, right? It seemed kind of counterproductive and wasteful to me. But then I began to think about that this week when my son-in-law and daughter ...