
Showing posts from May, 2018

5 Rules of Room Clearing

Romans 13:4 NIV For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. So, most every law enforcement officer (LEO) knows and understands the following 5 rules of room clearing. They use them when they are searching for suspects or “clearing” a house. They are intended to give a tactical advantage as well as offer the safest way for a team to work inside rooms. I have asked my local SWAT team, that I serve as chaplain, what is the last thing you’re thinking about when you’re stacked on a door about to make entry. Every person in the room, almost 20, said the same thing; 5 rules of room clearing. Well almost everyone, I think it was Eggers that said, “I’m actually thinking of two things. 1. 5 rules of room clearing. And 2. Is this “bleep” behind me thinking of the 5 rules”.        ...

Police Week 2018

Writing sometimes comes so easily for me. Talking comes easily pretty much all the time, but I guess, writing is different because once you see it on the screen or paper, you can think about it and back up and correct errors. But this week writing is a little difficult. I want to write about Police Week and our Law Enforcement Memorial Service that took place today and our Law Enforcement Appreciation service that we’re having on Sunday but the words haven’t been going together the way I want them to. I even attempted to do something this morning that I rarely do and write out my closing prayer for today’s service but couldn’t do it. So I went to the service planning on ignoring the service and coming up with a prayer while everyone else was doing their part. Pretty compassionate and professional huh?             But then it was like I forgot that I was doing the closing prayer when the service started. I watched as the offic...