74,095,000 steps to a great marriage

74,095,000 Steps to a Great Marriage The old school pic from who knows when.... Averaging 7,000 steps per day, 365 days per year, for 29 years comes to seventy four million, 95 thousand steps. That is how many steps that Tammy and I have walked together. Well, no not literally, because we have been a part some of the time but even then, we’re together. A little history, we didn’t marry our best friend. You’ve heard this before but its true. We sometimes envy those that marry their best friend, but that wasn’t us. Don’t misunderstand, we are best friends now but we don’t try and kid anyone that we were then. We barely knew each other. We met in September and married in February. We had spoken of marriage but hadn’t made any plans. We acted like we were married in some areas (which is how Kelcey became to be). Many told us we shouldn’t get married (maybe we shouldn’t have), told us we were too young (we really were), told us it was a mistake (maybe it was), told...