Christians are Cannibals
The title is my personal opinion but we are not only cannibals but we are scavengers. As I began to write I decided to make a list of everything that I have been or witnessed “Christians” being and it is so disappointing. It’s as if I, or anyone else, have never read the Bible. I can’t even write the list because it is so depressing; and because people would react negatively and I can’t have my responses all over the world wide internet web thingy! This may be the most disjointed thing that I have ever written but here goes anyway. It has been going on for hundreds of years but lately it seems so loud. I was reminded of it when the Noah movie was beginning to be talked about and advertised. And the “Christians” were all up in arms complaining about the movie before it even came out. It’s still not out yet. It wasn’t this and it wasn’t that and someone was being deceived into thinking… really! Here was a high quality made big screen movie about an event in history and in the bible an...