Christians are Cannibals

The title is my personal opinion but we are not only cannibals but we are scavengers. As I began to write I decided to make a list of everything that I have been or witnessed “Christians” being and it is so disappointing. It’s as if I, or anyone else, have never read the Bible. I can’t even write the list because it is so depressing; and because people would react negatively and I can’t have my responses all over the world wide internet web thingy!
This may be the most disjointed thing that I have ever written but here goes anyway. It has been going on for hundreds of years but lately it seems so loud. I was reminded of it when the Noah movie was beginning to be talked about and advertised. And the “Christians” were all up in arms complaining about the movie before it even came out. It’s still not out yet. It wasn’t this and it wasn’t that and someone was being deceived into thinking… really! Here was a high quality made big screen movie about an event in history and in the bible and we can’t get out of our own way to see millions of people go out to watch it. Then there was the “Son of God” and “The Bible”. Oh no you didn’t! How dare you make something in 2013-2014 that will cause people to watch, read, talk about and even think about the Word of God.
It’s like we set out to prove what the world has said about us all along. I wonder if this was the same upheaval when other translations aside from King James begin to get published. I know, you just changed your opinion of me (or confirmed it) because I would even consider reading something other than what the disciples read. It’s ok, I’m a big boy and I can take it!
So what are we afraid of?
Someone is going to make money off of the Bible or Christianity? If that’s the case then some of us are highly hypocritical (my hand is raised along with LifeWay store founders and many many others)!
Someone is going to mislead a lost person by grossly misrepresenting the bible through a movie? “Excuse me lost person, it’s Hollywood, let me show you what the bible actually says about that. It’s really fascinating!”
Our young people will find a way to learn about God through another source other than super thin pages in a very thick collection? Is it really heresy to read my bible on my iPad? Is it really that bad to enjoy a clean and well produced flick with great actors?  
I’m really sorry for speaking about things that I may not be completely educated about but consider this… People (“Christian” people) are reposting and blogging about Matthew McConaughey’s Oscar acceptance speech because he thanked God while making disparaging comments about the creators of the shows and movies I’ve been talking about here. I don’t know if these people saw Magic Mike but I think in the advertisement that ol Matt was in that movie and I don’t think he was a traveling preacher spreading good news. Some of you watched it I’m sure, was he being a Jesus freak in the movie. So am I saying we shouldn’t promote when someone thanks God in Hollywood? NO! Absolutely not, but are we using the same standards for everyone? Are we willing to apply the same standards to ourselves?
What’s my point? My point is this!!! We are all flawed! Some of us (my hand is up again) more than others. And I personally don’t want my garbage, past, problems, or mistakes investigated the likes of a CSI show if and or when I ever do anything significant. And I pray that God will give me the grace to appreciate other’s efforts and use them to further the Gospel whether it was their intentions or not. I’ve used the trailer for the Panic Room movie in a message before and there is nothing religious about that movie! So was my message flawed? It may have been but it was preached by a flawed person so I guess that’s expected!
My bottom line is this in this highly disjointed stream of consciousness that probably should’ve been kept inside my head and prayer closet. I pray for me and anyone else with this desire…
“God, help me to be more like Christ. Please. I have messed up so many times in my life and will continue to do so but I want to be like Jesus. I want to respond and react like Jesus. I don’t have to be in the dark about how he responded, acted, or reacted to situations in His life. I can read about them on my unholy iPad or Galaxy III. Help me to stop calling homosexuals mean names and then say I love them. Help me just to love them. Help me to stop using your Name as a cause to hate. Help me to love. Help me to truly love people; all people. Help me to not be seen as a hypocrite and then write or say things to prove that to be true! Help me to love church people with all of our mistakes and failures. Give me the eyes of Christ. Give me the courage of Christ. Give me the wisdom of Christ. Help me discern what is a threat to the Kingdom of God and not just the Ego of Brad! Please increase my faith! Give me the boldness to align my actions with my core intentions. Give me the strength to stand for your Word and not ever compromise, all the while loving all people! Help me to love people that I disagree with. Help me to be more like Christ. Help me to be a man of God that is worthy of that title! In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Amen!”

Have a great rest of your week,
Pastor Dad


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