What I learned in 36 days...

So here’s the deal. On March 17 th we began the process of renovating our stage and church sanctuary. Before renovation We needed more room in the sanctuary and the most cost effective option was to tear down and start over. Every day beginning March 17 th through Easter Sunday April 20 th we worked at the church. EVERY DAY! Men and women went about their “regular” jobs during the regular times and then came to the church work. There were several workers that didn't even attend our church. It was amazing and the results were phenomenal. But even beyond that, I learned a few things that I decided to list: · Never underestimate God’s vision. He will outdo yours every single time! · The notion that the church is dead is a myth. The church (the called out ones) is alive and waiting to be led and let loose! · People have different gifts and ...