
I hate rumors. Being a positive person by default, I am usually pretty quick to dismiss what I think to be a rumor until I find out for myself. I hate rumors on me individually. Again, I am the person that if I hear of one that is especially rude, or detrimental to my family or church, I will show up in person to whomever was spreading it and ask that it stop (usually nicely). But I also value those that would come to me and ask if what they heard was true. For example, more than one time I have been ask if I, as the pastor of the church, ask people for a copy of their W2’s before they join my church so I can tell them how much they should tithe. Seriously! This happened more than one time. I have laughed and said that’s ridiculous. I have never done this! Ever! I don’t have time to this. As much as I hate rumors in general, on me specifically, I really hate them on my family and friends. That’s why I have chosen to write today. I love the political process in our country. But...