Dear Bryant

Dear Bryant,
            I am sorry. I am sorry that my generation oversaw the single most horrific act since the Holocaust. My generation saw to it that babies that have not been born could be murdered. My generation allowed babies to be killed legally depending on geography. If a baby is inside it’s mothers womb (where it should be safest), it can be killed by lethal injection. If it is outside of mommy’s belly, it can’t be. Why? Why did they cheer when the bill was passed? I’m not sure. I really have no idea. But don’t be completely discouraged. There are people that are still fighting. There are still people that believe that life is sacred. 
            And this brings me to you. You be grateful. Be grateful Bryant Sawyer. Because of your mom and dad’s views on such matters, you were never in harms way. When your mommy and daddy heard your heart beat for the first time, I imagine they were amazed just like Mimi and Papa were when we heard your mommy’s and then your uncle “BB”’s heartbeat for the first time. And because of the fact that your mommy and daddy believe that life is sacred, your little brother/sister (jury is still out on this one) will be safe from intentional harm. 
            How? How can people do this? I’m not sure on that one either buddy. I have never had anyone provide me with a compelling argument for killing unborn babies. As a matter of fact, New York had to change the wording in some of their laws saying that it wasn’t murder to kill a baby in the womb so they could pass this. In other words, to make their bill legal, they had to change another law to remove the word “murder” from it. 
            Surprised? Was I surprised? Not really. You see we’re not leaving you a great situation in our world. The world we live in hates Christians for the most part. Well, I don’t know that they hate Christians as much as they hate what we believe which is the bible. Many people believe that because we don’t agree on a subject that we can’t love. However, you will learn that your mom and dad won’t agree with you much at all as you grow through adolescence and your teenage years but they love you very much. 
            Religion? Do they just not like us because of religion? No, that’s not the case. Something that isn’t talked about very much, but many faiths and belief systems reject homosexuality and same-sex marriage and yes, even abortion, but Christianity is the only one that is hated for it. Again, I don’t have a lot of answers. Like you, I have many questions but not many answers. It’s tempting to strike out at everyone that is attacking and call them names and be hateful and rude but we can’t reconcile that behavior with the bible even though some still try. 
            My advice is this. Don’t ever be silent when the innocent is being harmed. Not in school, not in life, not in politics. Stand up for people that can’t stand up for themselves. Reach out and help the helpless. Make a difference in other people for good. Do this everyday, every opportunity. This is who we will be. We will continue to disagree with some people and their beliefs but we will still love them. 
I will never stand and say killing an innocent baby is the right thing to do. NEVER. Because what if your mommy and daddy had decided 3 years ago that you were inconvenient? I can assure you that financially they would have been better off without the medical bills, diaper needs, clothes and formula. What if your mom decided she didn’t need to risk her life to have you? See, your mom is a diabetic and it was very difficult and dangerous for her to have a baby. But she didn’t bat an eye. From the moment she saw your little body forming and heard your tiny heart beating fast almost anticipating the next change, she loved you and had no doubt that your were her baby. 
            And now, be brave little Bryant. Be grateful and be brave. Be better than your Papa’s generation. Be better than selfishness and politics. Be like Jesus. Call sin exactly what it is…sin. And then love everybody. Everybody. 
And always remember that Papa loves you and can’t wait to see what tomorrow holds!

Pastor Dad (Papa)


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