Facebook going away in 2013

           I'll explain the title at the end. Hehe!
           Goodbye 2012. I have no ill feelings. I have no “up yours”. I have no, “boy I’ll miss ya”. No. Just goodbye. I’m positive that I’m getting old. My plan for the evening is to pile up on the couch with my wife and watch TV or maybe go out to eat since we are starting our 21 day fast tomorrow. Either way, today/tonight is not a big party day for us. And I’m not sad about it. I kind of like it!

            2013 on the other hand is a big deal for me. New Year, new beginnings, new opportunities, new season of life, new stuff. I, like most others, like new stuff. New tennis shoes are pretty sweet. They smell good, they look good. A new television is tha bomb! Peeling the clear plastic paper off the huge screen is pure joy! Jordan graduates high school and will start college this year. Kelcey is starting her last year of college this year. New stuff!

            I usually do some sort of fast for the first 21 days of the New Year and I am again embarking on a pretty aggressive goal. The book of Daniel in the bible speaks of Daniel’s 21 day fast in chapter 10. After this fast he had a vision from God and here are excerpts from Daniel chapter 10 in the New Living Translation:

Verse 10-12 10 Just then a hand touched me and lifted me, still trembling, to my hands and knees. 11 And the man said to me, “Daniel, you are very precious to God, so listen carefully to what I have to say to you. Stand up, for I have been sent to you.” When he said this to me, I stood up, still trembling. 12 Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven.


Verse 19 “Don’t be afraid,” he said, “for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!”


            I know that there are people, including me, that have fasted for various things but I find it amazing that when Daniel fasted for understanding that he received acceptance, peace, encouragement, and strength. But, Daniel went about it the right way. He humbled himself before God. There wasn’t any of this, “boldly proclaiming his rights as a child of God!” Not that there isn’t a place for that but doesn’t that seem a little spoiled? Not sure about you but I don’t particularly care for spending time with people that are spoiled or their children. When you forget the struggle, you can’t relate to those that still are. When you get too busy consuming stuff, you forget how to act when you receive anything.

            I want to be one of those people that attract lost people to Christ. I want to be like Jesus. And the only way that I know to do that is to read my bible and pray. Make the standards that are in the Word of God the standards that I live by. Always. Not just when it’s convenient. Make it a part of my everyday life and at the same time learn to stay humble no matter the circumstances.

            I guess the bottom line to this last blog of 2012 for me is this. In 2013 I want to learn more about Jesus and understand more about how he lived and how he acted. I want to treat my wife the way the bible says for me to treat her; with honor! I don’t want to treat her the way I feel she has earned or even deserves. The bible says that I am to treat her with honor the way Jesus treated the church. Guess what, when Jesus gave up his life for the church they didn’t deserve it. He gave up his life as if the church had already become what he envisioned for them. I want to be a father like my heavenly Father. Unfailing unconditional love, full of mercy and forgiveness. And the bible says to do everything, EVERYTHING, as if I was doing it for the Lord. Everything! I’ve got some work to do there.

            But here goes. Oh, and part of my fast is Facebook and Twitter. I challenged the church to give up social media and to take the time that they spend on those sites daily and read their bible. So I’m gonna do the same. As of midnight tonight I am uninstalling these apps from my phone so there is no “accidental” touching of the buttons. If you were to decide to try this there is a good app called youversion bible. Or you can use www.biblegateway.com it is a good resource also. I hope you are ready for a great 2013!

            God bless,
            Pastor Dad


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