
I enjoy victories. Now understand that my idea of a victory and yours may be different. Here are some of mine and then you can compare. See this is interactive. Not just another boring article that you’re reading because you don’t really want to work (I know it really is just that but let’s not kill the mood).

·        Browning the bread on the grilled cheese juuuuuuuust right (makes you wanna take a picture every time).
·        Timing the light turning green so I don’t have to come to a complete stop (doesn’t work on stop signs. Trust me; the sweet Maryville City Police officer already explained that to me).
·        Getting the interval wipers set perfectly so there is just enough rain on the windshield so as not to make the wipers sound like they’re farting (annoying).
·        Free samples. I mean it. You have no obligation to buy and they just give it to you. And its better when the “free sample person” is very unhappy with their job. They don’t care how many you get (I once ate 6 chicken nuggets off a chickfila sampler at the mall, I even asked if they would be sampling fries later, then Tammy made me walk away).
·        Money in your pocket you had forgotten about (yeah you know that’s right).
·        $.30 off a gallon at the Kroger fuel center. (of course I know that means we spent our retirement on groceries at Kroger that week but hey it’s a “what have you done for me lately” kinda world and I JUST SAVED $.30 PER GALLON PEOPLE!)(AND YES I KNOW THAT ONLY AMOUNTS TO ABOUT $3.60 BUT COME ON! Remember you could be working instead of reading, hmmmmm?)
·        My dog having a solid bowel movement this morning. OUTSIDE no less! (Keep in mind she weighs 125lbs. Outside is the key word here!
·        My kids making good grades in high school and college.
·        My wife getting me a card that says she likes my butt (she’ll kill me for that but she probably doesn’t read my blog anyway).
·        My wife’s face when we bought her a car this weekend
·        Waking up every morning to the most amazing wife in the world
·        Hearing stories from people that say my Sunday message really helped them in their relationship with someone.
·        Sam Tucker getting to go home from the hospital (big one).
·        The rain, the sun, the dry, the wet, the cold, the warm, the freezing, the hot. I get to enjoy them each the same.
·        Loyal people who are in it for the long haul. Those that know they get to make suggestions without consequences yet also know that I have to make decisions that always carry them. And they are there.
·        Busy times. Without them my life has the possibility of being boring.
·        Quiet times. Without them I couldn’t hear from God
·        Good times. Most of them are but sometimes you have to look for them.

My conclusion: Winning!
Have an awesome rainy day!

Pastor Dad


  1. I couldn't agree with you more!
    It's about the small, every day victories:).
    One of my favorites by far.


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