116 . That is the number of what I consider my adopted family, that has died while working this year. That is a little more than 2 every week since January while they were working. That is most likely 116 spouses that sent their loved ones to work and went about their day. Most likely someone like me went to their home to notify them that a husband or a father or a wife or a mother or a son or a daughter wouldn’t be coming home because they died while working. While at a job! Please let that sink in before you spew your opinion at the very people that really do get up and protect you every day of your life. There are very few positions in life that I respect as much as I do law enforcement. While I have dedicated my life to serving others, the 116 have given theirs. To most people not connected to or affected by law enforcement it comes easy to say, almost as a cliché, “these men and women put their life on the line everyday”. To those 116 it isn’t a cliché and it isn’t a fancy s...