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To you: single mom or dad struggling to make it through one more day. Ready for a day off or even just a break but the kids stay hungry (both physically and for more of your time). Bills have to be paid and kids have to be raised. You didn’t ask to do this alone but it happened and it sucks. To you; look up! To you: young married couple just starting out. You just finished the Christmas marathon with 17 families, got lots of gifts but what you guys really want is two days of nothing where you can stay in bed or on the couch but the pressure to live up to EVERYBODY else’s expectations seem to win every single day. To you; look up! To you: high school student hearing from every adult around you that you should have the rest of your life planned out when you’re just trying to figure out whether you’re going to pass chemistry next semester. To you; look up! To you: widow and widower feeling the loneliness even during the holidays when there seems to be a constant flow of peopl...