Look up

To you: single mom or dad struggling to make it through one more day. Ready for a day off or even just a break but the kids stay hungry (both physically and for more of your time). Bills have to be paid and kids have to be raised. You didn’t ask to do this alone but it happened and it sucks. To you; look up!

To you: young married couple just starting out. You just finished the Christmas marathon with 17 families, got lots of gifts but what you guys really want is two days of nothing where you can stay in bed or on the couch but the pressure to live up to EVERYBODY else’s expectations seem to win every single day. To you; look up!

To you: high school student hearing from every adult around you that you should have the rest of your life planned out when you’re just trying to figure out whether you’re going to pass chemistry next semester. To you; look up!

To you: widow and widower feeling the loneliness even during the holidays when there seems to be a constant flow of people. You should be enjoying it more but you know they’ll leave until the next holiday. To you; look up!

And to you: older couple worried about that follow-up doctor appointment coming up after your test. You know you shouldn’t worry so much but you’re a realist and they didn’t move it up to tell you good news. To you; look up!

My dad taught me so much growing up. He taught me to work hard, to be faithful, to treat people with respect, and one other thing. He taught me that I needed to trust God. You see bad things happen to all of us. Regardless of what social media tells you about other people, they still hurt, fear, cry, worry, and sometimes don’t have any idea what to do. So what do we do when we don’t know anything else to do?

Look up! Look to your heavenly Father for answers. Now, He doesn’t always fix every situation. He doesn’t always take away the fear, anger, loneliness or pain. But, He promises to be with us. He gives us hope! I can’t say that God will never put more on you than you can handle because that’s just not in the bible. He does say that when you walk in the dark places that he will go with you. He will be with you.

I don’t know your plans for the New Year but I hope they include God. I hope Jesus is a part of your future. Because He gives hope. Hope that even when you feel you can’t go on, He has that pesky plan that doesn’t include you giving up. Go to church. Discover and grow your faith. Find that person that seems to keep life together and go with them.

I don’t know what God’s plan is for you but it always includes Him. Here is what I want for you. I want you to walk into the darkness, into that scary place with your hands held high trusting God that He will walk with you. Look up! He may not have what you think you need but He has what is best. Look up.

Remember that sometimes when you look up, you find someone willing to go to the end of the world to help you succeed. Don’t believe me? Check this out…

Have a great week,

Pastor Dad aka Papa


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