Try New

It doesn’t matter what it is. New is cool. New is fun. New is, well, new. Nothing smells better out of the box than new shoes. But a new car smell is pretty awesome. New clothes always look better than the ones you have already washed even once. I remember when we moved into all of our houses and that “new” feeling. My wife thinks new purses are gifts from heaven. I remember when she got me the golf clubs for Christmas. I couldn’t wait to try out my new clubs. They were clean, shiny, and held hope that I could actually play the game (that’s all; Hope).
Even a new job brings excitement and adventure. A new boss, while you may worry about personality or demeanor, even brings a little excitement. I like to try new places to eat, visit new places, and I know it’s strange but I like to drive down roads I have never been on. For young people, and old alike, new relationships put a spring in their step.
It’s a phenomenon. New is the new, well, new. But not necessarily the new. It’s the discovery that’s the secret. Discovery breeds excitement, energy, and further curiosity. I have heard this illustration before and it bears repeating.
Watch a baby when he/she discovers their toes. Or other body parts (a momma’s nightmare). They look and touch and the look on their face is pure excitement. Have you ever noticed how much energy toddlers have? I mean they go all the time. They are constantly getting into things and getting things out and each time they do it’s like a Red Bull IV for them. This energy doesn’t all come from the sugary cereal and juice box. It’s discovery. It’s the new in their life.
Many people say, “If I had their energy I’d pass out”.
That’s really just a cliché. I mean adults have more stamina than toddlers. If you don’t believe it take them to Dollywood. They will be wide-eyed and going 90 miles a minute for a little while and then you all know what happens. Yep, they want to be carried. They fall asleep. The energy wasn’t just built in and stored up; it was secretly generated by the new surroundings and all the discoveries that the day had brought them.
So what’s your point, preacher man? My point is the reason we get tired and lazy and well, boring, is because we don’t learn anything new anymore. We don’t try new things or places. We don’t go out and meet new people or try a new hobby. And since you called me preacher man I’ll throw this in there as well. The reason our faith gets boring is because we stop learning. We have been a “believer” so long that it is an involuntary motion now. We don’t read the bible because we don’t have to. We already know everyone and everything in it. We have nothing else to learn. And we all know that when we all know, we can’t be taught, trained, or motivated. We have become almost as knowledgeable about “stuff” as God.
Don’t get mad at me for stating the truth. Many people would never say such a thing but they live as though it’s true. The bible says to live humbly. Do we? The bible says six times in the New Testament to work at living in peace with those around us. Do we? The bible says that love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control are the fruit of the Spirit of God living in us. Are ALL these evident in our everyday life?
Truth is we have settled. We have settled for mediocrity. I won’t allow it in my children in their academics or sports. I take issue with bad grades, bad effort, and bad attitude. The standards are extremely high. But what about in my life and specifically, in my walk with Christ? Mediocrity rules the Christian faith.  Radical love is almost (I said almost) non-existent. Radical grace is extinct. Everyone wants an apology for everything. We feel it’s our right to spout off because we get offended. I got a spout off for you, “He was oppressed and treated harshly, yet he never said a word” Isaiah 53:7. Before you open your mouth to put someone in their place, how about putting yourself in their place. It might look differently from there.
So what’s new? No, really, I mean for you to answer. What’s new? God’s promises are new every morning. The sunrise was the first of its’ kind this morning. Today is brand new. You have never lived this day before. Your attitude might not be different but the day is. Don’t allow situations that you can’t control to affect the situations that you can. Your attitude. Your effort. The way you treat people and act is entirely up to you.
Today is a new day. Make it memorable. Try something new (like a smile). Try a new food, activity, or road, just something today.
God bless you and have make a great day!

Pastor Dad


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