Jordan Bradley Bryant
Do you happen to have any
investments? Long term investments? I have heard that if you invest in the
right product early on in its existence that with the right leadership,
management, and a few breaks that your return could exponentially be greater
than your original investment.
Tammy and I have two long term investments. The first we have been invested in
almost 22 years and the returns just keep coming in. The other is what this blog
is about and that investment is just over 18 years. Tonight is senior night for
some of the athletes at Heritage High School. Our son, Jordan, will take the
floor for his last regular season home game of his high school career. Not sure
how to feel about it. Very emotional, obviously. But I’m not really sad. I am
very proud, excited, and looking forward to what his next step is.
is how his mother, sister, and girlfriend decided to commemorate the occasion:
the most adorable little boy to the most amazing young man. Wow! That was hard
to write. JB, as Coach Tony Hardin first started calling him, is a remarkable
individual. He is the busiest person that I know. With 2-4 hour practices for
basketball, I wasn’t sure he could keep up all his other interests. He arrives
at church at 8am on Sunday morning to practice with the sanctuary worship team.
He’s the drummer and he plays drums like he plays basketball; all out! After Sunday
morning service he stays after to practice with the youth worship team. School
and practice and games throughout the week but he also makes time to play the
drums on Wednesday nights with the youth team. On Thursdays when he doesn’t
have games he attends a boy’s life group with his Youth Pastor. For three
weekends in a row he has smoked ribs, pork and turkey for family get togethers
and also some just for our family. He doesn’t have to do this but he chooses
is also very courageous. He is a Type 1 diabetic. He wears an insulin pump to
regulate his blood sugar which is insanely difficult during basketball season. He
tires easily because of the diabetes which is again a hurdle that he’s been given
to overcome. When he couldn’t stay in the game for more than 3 minutes without
almost collapsing earlier this year he decided to lose weight. He has lost 14.5
lbs in the last 3 weeks and his last three games he hasn’t gotten as tired and
says he feels better than he can ever remember. If you don’t know anyone with
Type 1, insulin dependent, diabetes then it’s probably hard for you to
understand. But with two awesome children that live with it every day, Tammy
and understand how amazing they are. They choose to live as though they are as
healthy as the next kid or young adult because that is who they are.
sports he has always been special. A great knack of knowledge for whatever game
he has played. He is fiercely loyal to every coach that he has ever had. Mike
Vineyard, Friendsville Elementary Basketball coach, still gets a smile and a
hug when Jordan goes into his tackle store to buy bait when he fishes. Coach
Robbie Bennett was Jordan’s middle school JV basketball coach and they still
argue about Duke and North Carolina basketball. Billy Beets was Jordan’s
baseball coach for many years and people used to make jokes that Billy had a
remote control because Jordan listened to him so well on the baseball field.
Jerry Teaster was Jordan’s midget football coach and Jordan loves and respects
him so much. Coach McMahan was the middle school basketball coach and he brings
a smile to Jordan’s face when they see each other. Coach Ryan Binder was always
able to offer Jordan a word of encouragement and for that I can tell he meant a
lot to him. Coach Justin Underwood was Jordan’s high school JV coach. There is
genuine appreciation for what kind of relationship that they have. Coach Tony
Hardin became so much more than a coach. He became a role model and a mentor.
When he had to step down as coach before Jordan’s senior year for family
medical problems, without us knowing, Jordan went to his house to thank him. Wow!
That was something. And finally Coach Bill Duncan, Jordan’s last high school
coach. He has gotten more out of Jordan than I ever thought possible. And it’s
not just basketball. They have an incredible amount of respect and love for
each other. When I had my car crash last November, he was one of the first
phone calls Jordan got asking if he needed him to come pick him up while they
waited at the hospital. Jordan loves him. As he does all of these exceptional
men that invested in mine and Tammy’s investment.
have no idea the specifics of what Jordan’s next step will be. If I thought
that I did I would probably still be wrong. A lot can change in just a few
short months. But I know this. Basketball doesn’t define a person. Neither do
cars, clothes, or jobs. A person cannot be defined by trophies, awards, or
recognition. The people that know him best may remember what he drove but they
will remember how he treated them even more. The people that know him best know
him as a very kind and very special young man. Fathers of daughters want them to
find a man like Jordan. Fathers of sons want them to hang out and grow up to be
like Jordan. Don’t misunderstand here and think he is perfect. One day I will
write a book about mine and Tammy’s experience raising two very different and,
at times, very difficult children but that is all part of the investment.
now, for tonight, we will just remember. Remember the kid that started walking
at 7 months old and never stopped. Remember the kid that at 1 year old would
hold his hands out to the side, palms up, and smile as if to say, “I don’t know
who did it but it wasn’t me” (it usually was and is)! Remember the day he was
diagnosed with diabetes at 8 years old and he plainly told us, “I don’t want it
and I won’t take care of it!” Remember the kid without being asked stopping and
helping a special needs little girl pick up her books in middle school and then
carry them to class for her (that was told to me by an office worker at the
school). Remember the kid who was so friendly and engaging from practically
birth. Remember the little kid that grew up to be a man. Still a momma’s boy and
proud of it! And just like all of us men, still a little boy at heart.
this son; your sister, your mother, and I are so proud of who you are. We can’t
wait to see what’s next and feel very blessed to be a part of it! For the next
step in your journey I have some wisdom for you that I really feel you have
lived out in your life till now. Keep living it!

Store my commands in your heart.
2 If you do this, you will live many years,
and your life will be satisfying.
3 Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!
Tie them around your neck as a reminder.
Write them deep within your heart.
4 Then you will find favor with both God and people,
and you will earn a good reputation.
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:1-6 NLT
Bring on Senior Night (and some tissues)!
Pastor Dad
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