Another Evan Experience
I’m struggling to write this morning. My heart is very conflicted. I look around my life and there is so much to be thankful and happy for. I am so blessed to have an incredible family and extended family. I have the absolute best job in the world (at least on a quiet Monday, I do). I am not financially wealthy but I have never been hungry, I have a nice home with heat and air conditioning and running water, I have a car that has started every day for several years now, I have friends who love and support me and are incredibly loyal, my family is healthy, our church is growing, its spring, I have nice clothes to wear, I live in a time when technology is abounding, I can go to the grocery store today and buy enough food for my family for weeks, my faith is growing, and yet there is even more.
But here is the struggle. There is a lot to be hurt about also. I was there Saturday as a chaplain with one family of the boys who died on the train tracks. I have a friend who is battling cancer in Nashville today. I have a friend who is at a funeral today visiting loved ones. I live in a country where we can give away a half-a-billion dollars yet there is still people hungry, hurting, lonely and dying all around us. I’m not trying to be a downer I am just being honest.
What to do? What now? With all the information and all the stuff, what is a man of faith to do? Sure, we could hype it up and act like none of it is happening but you weren’t in that living room with the mom, dad, grandmother, sisters, and friends who just received life shattering news. News that transcends light bills, cars, homes, health, and, well to be honest, life. Have you ever looked into the eyes of the shattered? Have you ever had a real conversation about death with someone who knows they are dying? I don’t think we should feel guilty because of blessings but I don’t think our blessings should shield us from other people’s hurts. It didn’t Jesus.
Real life stuff! Tammy is coming home today. I missed her bad. Don’t tell her because she will think I need her or something. I hate sleeping without her. But, yesterday I went to Mom and Dad’s for dinner after playing golf. I sat in their living room with them, my brother and sister-in-law, my sister, and of course, Evan my nephew (see previous blog “window shopping” for the Evan Experience). I actually called Tammy to tell her I was with the nephews and nieces. She was jealous. Mission accomplished.
It wasn’t planned but we were all sitting in a circle just watching Evan. We were each talking, listening, nothing serious, just family talk (which means we were probably talking about somebody. It may have been you… J ). Evan walked up and sat down in the window with me. There was a plant next to him. I had my arm around him and was talking when my dad or sister said in that, what are you doing, voice, “Evan, dooooon’t”. I looked down to see that right under my nose Evan had been taking handfuls of dirt from the pot the plant was in and was just dropping it on floor at my feet. So you all know what I did. I yelled at him, smacked his hand and his bottom, and pushed him toward his daddy, right? Yeah, right! No, I took his hand and wiped it clean and sent him toward the center of the room away from the “danger area”. I picked up all the dirt I could and put it back into the plant.
Evan was disappointed that his excavation project was cut short but he quickly moved on to conquering another feat, taking the cup off of the desk. Then, when that was averted he moved on to operating the dust-buster, then to the great task of climbing over his daddy’s legs and feet. Then on to, well you get the point. He was upset each time but it never slowed him to give up on trying something new. He even cried and stomped his little foot (so cute when it isn’t your kid) on one of the “NO” occasions but then just as if it never happened found another challenge.
I think we can learn a lot from babies and toddlers. It actually comes from the bible. I read Ecclesiastes chapter 3 just now. You should go to and read it in the New Living Translation. It spoke to me but especially this verse:
11 Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.
Do you think God plants eternity in us as babies? Do you think Evan knows in his heart more about eternity than us wise grown-ups? I think he might. He understands the insignificance of getting his way by moving on to the next thing. He understands that he didn’t get to dig but he got to start on a new adventure. We can learn from him, I promise.
What was it that you wanted more than anything at the moment that got stopped in a second? Have you moved on yet? Does your adult diaper need to be changed? I think I just did that for you! Now, your bottom might be sore because you wore the mess a little longer than normal but there is more ointment in God’s Word that we can rub on it later.
For now, it’s ok to mourn and rejoice. To laugh and to cry. Just understand that each is a season and season’s change. Some last longer than others and some shorter. But, but, but, in eternity’s light none is permanent.
Now, just like Evan, I have better things to do than just sit around on this computer. Remember, Tammy is coming home and things have to be just right. Not because she would say anything but I want her to be happy when she walks in the door. That is a season everyone in the Bryant house will enjoy.
Have a great week! IT’S EASTER WEEK. Come to church with me Sunday. I’m not as interesting in person as I am on the blog but there are others that are.
Pastor Dad
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