Jury Duty

             I will be calling today to see if I get to sit on the jury. Yes, I said that I GET to instead of HAVE to. I don’t mind. We are all really nosy anyway. Oh, you’re not one of those? Do you have a Facebook? Twitter? Yeah, you really are, sorry!

            And, I have a plan. If it seems really boring or something that I’m not very interested in then this will be my story…

            “I am Pastor Brad Bryant from the RIO Network of Churches (that may do it but just in case it doesn’t). I am a bible believing Christian that supports gun rights, Jesus, and the death penalty. I serve as a Chaplain with the PO-PO and think all of those guys and girls serving are just great, great people, and would never make a mistake but if they did then God is probably just bringing judgement upon the guilty as a punishment for some hidden sin. And, could we hurry this along, I had biscuits and gravy for breakfast and feel a mighty case of diarrhea beginning to rumble in the lower sections of my bowels. When we startin?”

            But, if it seems somewhat interesting…

            “My name is Brad Bryant. I have been married for 22 years. I have two children, a dog, and a fish. I know very few people in this county and rarely read the paper or watch the news. I am a simple person and kind of boring. I will help if asked but it really doesn’t matter, it’s up to you, your honor!”

            What do you think? I think it will work. I mean that’s much better than lying about some pressing appointment that I can’t get out of, right? And besides, as I said before, we are all a little nosy and want the scoop.

            Church was amazing yesterday. We have overhauled our worship service and if yesterday was any indication, God has us going in the right direction. The house was full, even though I know of 40+ people that weren’t there for various reasons. It is crazy exciting.

            School started today. As of right now I have a son in his last year of high school and a daughter in her last year of college. And we all had a nice dinner together last night and watched a movie. Just us, and the dog. That is a miracle in this day and time; at least for us it is. It was very, very nice. Then Tammy got up early this morning and fixed omelets for anyone hungry. Surprise, Jordan and I was! They were good too.

            By the way, I am so sorry that you’re not me. No, really, I mean it! I like me pretty much more than I like most other people. Yes I have a stressful job but I get to drive a Buick. Yes, I’m married, but my wife’s smokin hot! Yes, I have a house payment but I have a house too. Yes, I am busy but I love my busy. Yes, it’s Monday but I am alive to see it. Yes, we are at the height of political season and the ads and the talk gets really, really old but I get to vote and decide who gets elected and who doesn’t. Yes, I’m overweight but I don’t go hungry.

            The bible says in Luke 11:9 that “if you seek, you will find”. Today I choose to seek happiness, godliness, and contentment. I choose to seek positive things in the world around me. I choose to forgive and do the best I can to love like Jesus does.

            Happy Monday and wish me luck for a good juicy trial that I get picked for.
Pastor Dad


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