Panama on Monday

I'm positive there won't be Internet connection every day but when there is Im gonna try to post something. The team left the hotel this morning at 5:30 but some of us are having to getting to depending on how you look at it wait till 9. We are on Central time. 
The plan today is to fly to the city of David, pronounced Daveed, not Bethlehem. From there a bus ride to Chirique Grande and then it looks like an extended boat ride to somewhere else. Now when the Panamanians say "extended" that's a bit worrisome.but we will go where we are supposed to and do what we are supposed to because we know we are supposed to. 
Excited about the group here and what God is going to do. Big plans and big God make for great things. Actually, big God, makes for great things. Sometimes he let's us use our plans.
Here are some of the things that have been talked about for the week.
Mass wedding in one of the outlying villages.
Marriage conference with the newlyweds
Construction on a new church
Numerous prison services in numerous prisons
Conference with Air Force and Navy and National Police
All in 5 days.
I'm glad we have a big God!
Pastor Dad


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