XXX :Do Not Proceed

           What started out to be a fine morning, well, as well as could be expected, has taken an unexpected turn. Here is why. I read my bible and the news every morning. Sometimes while reading the news on Fox I get sidetracked and read some crazy stuff. This was the case this morning.

            This morning I clicked on an article, “9 Signs You Might Be Depressed”. Now I get very upset and frustrated sometimes; but not depressed! Here are the signs according to

  1. Depressed Mood – I don’t have this one. 0 for 1. Yay!
  2. Diminished Interest in Activities – I used to enjoy basketball 4 days a week and golf once a week, at least. I only play once a month now. I thought it was because I was busy and tried to spend more time with my family. Ok, 1 out of 2. Still ok!
  3. Unexpected Weight Loss or Gain – I went to Panama then came back; it’s to be expected right? But, facts are facts and this is science, so, 2 out of 3. A little concerning but we have a ways to go. No need to be upset, yet.
  4. Extreme Sleepiness – I for sure have this. I thought it was just because I hadn’t been feeling well or sleeping well. 3 out of 4. Let’s just move on.
  5. Psychomotor Symptoms – I don’t even know what this means. According to the article it is purposeless movements such has pacing, hand wringing, biting fingernails, or involuntary twitching. My wife says I jerk in my sleep. 4 out of 5. So this isn’t exactly uplifting.
  6. Fatigue – I am tired. Most of the time. I assumed that it was because I hadn’t been sleeping well. I didn’t know it was because I was depressed. 5 out of 6. Jeesh!
  7. Feelings of guilt or worthlessness – I have done some things in my life that I am not proud of. Most of the time I am fine but after reading this article I feel pretty bad. 6 out of 7. Not looking up.
  8. Diminished ability to concentrate – I JUST ADMITTED THAT I COULDN’T STAY ON TASK READING THE NEWS! 7 out of 8. Whatever! Now I am developing number 1! CRAP! 8 out of 8!
  9. Suicidal thoughts – I don’t have this one. I have never had this one. I have wanted to assist some others but they weren’t willing.

So, the summary is that I have 8 out 9 symptoms. According to experts I am depressed. Or at least that is what will happen to some people that only read the news, and the experts, and other people. You see, my problem in going along with this article is that I also read the bible this morning. Here is what I read there:

Isaiah 55:10-13 New Living Translation
10 “The rain and snow come down from the heavens
and stay on the ground to water the earth.
They cause the grain to grow,
producing seed for the farmer
and bread for the hungry.
11 It is the same with my word.
I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to,
and it will prosper everywhere I send it.
12 You will live in joy and peace.
The mountains and hills will burst into song,
and the trees of the field will clap their hands!
13 Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow.
Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up.
These events will bring great honor to the Lord’s name;
they will be an everlasting sign of his power and love.”

So, God’s word “always produces fruit” and accomplishes what God wants it to accomplish. And He says I will “live in joy and peace.” Have you ever been camping or hunting or hiking? Have you ever gotten to that place early in the morning as the sun is coming up when everything is quiet except the wind and the animals are just starting to move around? You know those times. That is why you do those activities because at that moment your world is at peace. That is the Lord’s creation clapping their hands and bursting into song!

Last week while sleeping in the open air church about 4 in the morning I obviously was having trouble sleeping and it was actually quiet in the village. A storm was happening out in the ocean and all I could hear were the waves crashing against the beach. If you will quiet yourself right now you know and can hear that sound. Nothing else moving or making noise. Can you hear it? It was the most calming sound I have ever heard. Not out of noise machine or technology but from the hand of God himself. Wow!

If you feel down, find out what God has to say. If you get frustrated, I know where the answers are. If you can find a little faith, God’s word will set you free.

Have a great day!
            Pastor Dad
PS. Oh and the title? Yeah, I have found that more people read the stuff when the title catches their attention. Got ya!


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