Election 2012

On Tuesday of this past week our country elected a leader who repeatedly has refused to protect the unborn and has openly, boldly even, declared that God doesn't know what is best in marriage. No matter how you voted, this much is true. And so those who voted for the other guy or another guy came out in earnest. We can discuss how that came about later... 

So now what? As a Christ follower what should my response be? How should we act towards those who don't share our beliefs or our morals? Anytime there are questions, especially sensitive, emotional questions the best way to answer is in scripture. Always. But before I answer those questions I would like to make an observation. You cannot affect morality through legislation. Rather, you should affect legislation through morality. 

And with that in mind I'll give my opinion on what the answers to the questions should be. 2 Chronicles 7:14. I know, I know. You have heard this all your life. I understand that but I also understand that my land hasn't been healed. So either God has not kept his promise or his people have not humbled themselves, prayed, or turned from evil. I don't think we have a President problem in the United States. I think we have a church problem. Church being the body of believers. 

Let me ask you this. Can you be intimate with an awesome loving God and be hateful and mean? Can there be racism in your heart at the same time you claim to be striving to be like Jesus? Can we as a church (body of believers) only care about ourselves and continue creating programs and ministries for our brothers and sisters in Christ?

I think not. We have lost our moral authority in this country because we have tried to hold unbelievers to a standard that we don't even expect believers to live up to. 2 Chronicles 7 is addressed to God's people. Not the general population...

So the bottom line for me would be this...
I am not, will not be a victim or a whiner. Instead of complaining that something has happened outside of the knowledge of God, I will trust his Word and seek answers there instead of a society that doesn't know Him, largely because the church has let them down. I heard this second hand so I cannot cite the specific source but I will repeat it because it is so good.
"If you truly want to change the world, the nation, or maybe just your community, try this. Draw a 3 foot circle around your feet. Make a decision that you will not try to force change on anything outside of that circle until you change what's inside of it!"

And before you go on a rant because you "have a right" to; remember that as a believer you have a responsibly to be Christlike more than an expresser of opinions!

Pastor Dad


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