Facebook Changes Coming Soon
Facebook is hilarious but I want to make a few suggestions that might make it even more fun. Here are just a few suggestions if any of you know the founder guy…
- Of course more buttons and of course my suggestions
· The “I think this is stupid” button. (“Brad Bryant thinks this is stupid”)
· The “You’re a moron button”. No more poking and sending messages. Just go to their profile and click “Moron” button.
· The “Facebook freeze” button. Where you click it and their account freezes for 8 hours. Kind of like freeze-tag for Facebook. Yes, I know, you already have someone in mind for this one.
- I think you should have to confirm when someone wants to de-friend you just like when they send you a friend request. I recently, apparently, had this happen to me. I went to send a “friend” a message and while looking through my friends list found out that I wasn’t their fwend anymore. See, you could put buttons on the de-friend request.
Brad Bryant would no longer like to be your friend
Reason: Please choose one from the following list
- Potty mouth or fingers or mind
- I just found out who you are and I really don’t like you
- Dirty pictures; you got caught!
- Farmville and other games are against my Facebook beliefs and your requests are slowing my stalking
And my favorite
- Even though I am an adult I prefer to act like a middle school girl and not like you anymore please give me my freedom.
Very simple. Just two suggestions.
Actually I was bored and started writing then realized there was something more productive I could be doing with my time so I think I will go do that.
Have a great day!
Pastor Dad
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